Monday, January 17, 2011

Three Very Important Reasons Why The Little Guy Is Best For Ebook Publishing

I was asked by several perspective customers on why they should use my small start-up ebook publishing business to publish their books.  I was more than ready to give them 3 very good examples why and have them here for anyone looking to self publish an ebook online:

1. One reason why the little guy is a better choice over the bigger guys is the cost for final draft.
A close friend of mine recently self published his book with outskirts press. He ordered the "ruby" option because of it's low cost. Being that he was on a small budget to begin with, he believed the $699 price and what was included with it was simply ideal. He would email them the file, pick out the font, page color, cover design, give them the $699 and a completely finished book would come out on the other side, but he could have not been farther from the truth. The initially $699 price tag outskirts innocently displays on it's website to lure in a customer on a low end alternative, ended up costing him over $1000 when it was all said and done. You see, most newbie writers and those looking for a low priced way to get published, fail to realize the details of the actual book creation process. Simply running the file through a spell check and aligning margins is simply not enough. What the low end customer doesn't know from these big guys is that attention to detail; particularly shifts in sentences and paragraph structure, are simply not included in the price. My friend was told that 50 fixes are free and anything over will cost more. Okay, so how many errors could there possibly be right? I mean you did the spell check, you made sure you have the margins just right and you spent untold hours even days making sure more or less you have a ball park figure of page count. However, there were more than 50 errors anyway. What the issue was did not stem from my friend, but from the company itself. Once the errors were pointed out to the company to fix, they ran it through their text processing again only to spew out more misaligned sentences, paragraphs and misspelled words. This seems to either be a lack of understanding of how their software works or deliberate price gouging the poor defenseless customer only looking to save a buck.

2. The Second Reason Why using a small guy is better that a big guy is availability.
Most bigger companies gives you and email address and leaves you hanging for extended lengths of time. I mean they have gotten so big that they seem to have little time and have forgotten about their most vital reason why they are in existence in the first place... their customers. The smaller guy will go above and beyond for their clients and customers and are flexible on things the bigger guys seem to keep a calculator for.
3. The third and final reason above all is customization.

Bigger companies tend to bulk everything in a "package deal" If you have ever been involved in any package deals, you know that some stuff in the package is desired, while most you can live without. It's like your cable provider. You like the news, sports and movie channels, but you could live without seeing a bunch of young people getting drunk on the Jersey Shore. A smaller company will provide and focus on what matters to your specific needs and come through better on what is uniquely important to you.

Please visit my website for all of your ebook publishing needs at:

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